Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Great methods to Prepare for The Next Hurricane

The start of hurricane season is the perfect time to prepare your home and business for the arrival of the next hurricane. Not every county will see another Hurricane Katrina, but it is important to be prepared in the event of a dire emergency that leaves entire cities and counties without electricity, food, or running water.
Finding Shelter
Not every home or business has an area that can be used as a Hurricane shelters that is strong enough to withstand hurricane force winds. The first thing you should do if your home is not a suitable shelter is to locate the closest place that you can take your family or employees when there is a hurricane warning.
Some homes already have a storm cellar and some businesses can provide immediate Hurricane shelters for employees below the building. If you are able to provide shelter for others, having that shelter ready with food, water and a power source is your first priority.
Stocking Up on Food and Water
It is a good idea to stock up on extra food and water during hurricane season. The best food to have on hand is food that does not require cooking and is non-perishable.
Providing Power
For hospitals, storm shelters, emergency broadcast centers and other important facilities that must remain operational, having a reliable back up power source is vital. When hurricanes hit and cut the main source of electricity from reaching homes and businesses, chaos can ensue. Without power, emergency establishments would not be able to supply citizens with help or shelter during times of emergency.
Bolt Together Shelters DYI and Emergency power systems, or backup generators that supply basic power needs like emergency lighting to buildings during times of emergency require high-powered engines to operate at full capacity.
An inexpensive generator with a used CAT engine helps to ensure the continued operation of important establishments. If an emergency broadcast system is still able to transmit by using backup generators to power transmission equipment, broadcasters can report important information like emergency contact numbers, the location of nearby shelters, and the predicted time and date of the storm's passing. Furthermore, if a used CAT engine powers the generator supplying power to a shelter, the occupants will not have to sit in the dark and wait for news of help and rescue.

Some important tips to select best Storm Shelter

When a hurricane or tornado strikes, do you have a safe place in which to take shelter? Is it nearby? Could you get there within blinking of the eye? A safe room can offer life-saving protection during a destructive storm, mostly for those without basements. After the current outbreak of tornadoes and severe storms, safe rooms are increasing in approval and in some areas, orders are backlogged for months.

The safest place to be throughout a tornado is underground. Basements offer brilliant protection but are still vulnerable to debris failing from above. Fully underground Florida Storm Shelter (also called tornado cellars) provides the most trustworthy protection from violent storms, but may not be likely to construct in urbanized or flood-prone areas.
A safe room is diverse than your typical in-ground shelter but offers the same advantage. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) explains a safe room as “a structure that will afford near-absolute protection from severe storms.”
Every safe room is built to bear 250 mph winds and over 3,000 pounds of force, more than an EF-5 tornado. They’re typically constructed in garages or basements.
When it comes to safe rooms, there are two types –below and above ground. Both types of shelters have to meet the same desires and are made of the same materials. Underground shelters have a slight benefit, as debris from a hurricane or tornado cannot affect the sides of the shelter, only the top. Though, in an underground safe room, you also take the casual that your one and only exit could be blocked. Above ground shelters do not have this matter, but they can be hit with debris on all sides. Bolt Together Shelters DYI categories of safe rooms have their benefits and disadvantages, but the main thing to remember is that they both provide the same level of protection.
If you are considering building a shelter in your home, be sure to consider the altered costs and compensations. During the building process, check with the company to make sure that it is yielding with all FEMA and NSSA safety standards. Safe rooms are not scrutinized by any regulating agency to ensure quality, so it’s always best to go with a reliable local company.

Many places in the continental US are at higher risk for potentially deadly storms such as tornadoes and hurricanes. One of the best things that you can do for the safety of your family—and your own piece of mind—is to install some kind of storm shelter to keep all your loved once safe.

The point of a Tornado shelters is to put barriers between you and the storm. High wind is itself not lethal, but the objects that it picks up can injure or kill you; the shelter that you choose needs to be impervious to both small and large flying debris.
There are a variety of types of storm shelters that you can build or install on your property to keep your family safe. The classic Hurricane shelters that most people think of is the storm cellar as per The Wizard of Oz but there are a lot more options available currently.
The classic storm cellar is an outdoor subterranean structure usually built near a house so that the residents can take cover in it in the case of a tornado or hurricane. Some modern versions of the classic storm cellar can be purchased to install under your garage floor either at the time of building or aftermarket.
Storm rooms are usually made from either steel or Kevlar; steel storm rooms are heavier and somewhat cheaper but can be extremely heavy, while Kevlar—the material used in bulletproof vests—is lighter and flexible, allowing projectiles to bounce off the surface, level at the high winds encountered in a hurricane or tornado. Kevlar rooms do not impede with cell reception and can be built into your home as any type of room or closet. These above ground storm rooms can also be developed as safe rooms in case of a home invasion.
All in all, there is no guarantee that even if you live in an area with a high frequency of tornadoes or hurricanes that you'll ever see one or have one happen near your home, but when the safety of your family is anxious, a little piece of mind goes a long way.