Thursday, December 27, 2018

Know more about Storms to survive the threat

Types of Storms

Storm is bad weather with heavy rain, strong winds, and often accompanied by thunder and lightning. Some of the common storms include Hail, Snow, Ice, Thunder, Tropical, Der-echo, and the worst is the flash floods.

How to prepare your storm shelter?

Storm shelters can be installed in almost any location. Based on the model, they can be buried outside, installed in garages, or assembled in basements. It takes a few hours to install above the ground rooms and usually one day to install underground shelters.

Know a Tornado

Violent windstorm with twisting, funnel-shaped cloud is a Tornado. Huge thunderstorms are accompanied when cool air overrides a layer of warm air, forcing the warm air to rise very fast. The high wind velocity causes huge damages and blows debris all over the place. There are very violent tornadoes with wind speed of up to 300 mph that can cause tremendous destruction. They can destroy large buildings, uproot huge trees and hurl vehicles beyond hundreds of yards.

Tornado Shelter

The ultimate protections against tornadoes are the underground tornado shelters. These are not exposed to the high winds compared to above-the-ground safe rooms. Such underground safe rooms are constructed using concrete, fiberglass, plastic or steel as the raw materials. But for more safety, go for steel shelters.


Your home is susceptible to devastating wind storms and patterns such as tornadoes. It is always a great idea to have a storm shelter in your home. It is easy to install them. People are able to survive such devastating calamities from underground amongst the debris of broken wood and sheltered glass. Nothing beats or damages the underground safe rooms.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing such a nice blog. ivisit an blog they are a leading designer and manufacturer of safe rooms and provide above ground steel shelters from dangerous tornadoes and storms to protect you from any casualties.for more visit: storm shelter above ground
